vendredi 15 octobre 2010

UFC 120 this weekend

So Steve is in England for UFC 120 helping out in the corner of OAMA's Mark "Boots" Holst for his fight vs undefeated Brit Paul Sass. I got a cryptic message from Steve about a picture he got that should make me jealous. I can only imagine it being with Arianny Celeste...whom I'm in love with. (Sorry Roxanne)

It was great to hear Steve on CBC radio this afternoon calling in from the UK. It was a great interview and promoted Sudbury BJJ and Muay Thai Academy as a club with it's pulse on the sport at the highest level. Very exciting times!!

Tomorrow is Saturday and what does that mean? Jiu Jitsu of course! I'm looking forward to going in for the kids class with my boys followed by my session with the big boys. If you're reading this, feel free to come on out one of these days! I'd love to show you around.

Speaking of the kids program, there's been alot of talk in the media recently about the bullying epidemic in schools. Just today, I was picking up my boys from school and saw two 4 or 5 year olds bullying another young boy in the schoolyard. The victim looked scared and was asking them to stop pulling him to the ground. (it was a boy and girl doing this) At that point, I leaned over the small fence to get their attention and told them to leave the little guy alone. They complied right away and the boy looked at me, got up and walked away.

I'd be crushed if this was happening to one of my boys. With that said, the kids BJJ program would have prepared this little guy to break free from his bully's grip and get away on his own accord. (in a non-violent reaction)

I recently heard a quote about Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with respect to schoolyard bullying and I thought it was an awesome perspective. With bullies, we know that the best way to put an end to it is to stand up to them. They prey on the weak and once a child shows that he (or she) won't be taken advantage of, they back off. In the same breath, we don't necessarily want our kids to react with violence. The idea of fighting fire with fire will work, but is it the most affective in the long run? Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gives your kids the ability to fight fire with water! (how great does that sound?) Diffuse a situation with technique which snuffs the fire before it has a chance to burn out of control. Nobody needs to get burnt!

If you've got kids, I can't think of any better martial art to get involved with than BJJ. Our kids program at the club is very strong and my boys have been involved for nearly a year and love every minute of it. If you're interested in knowing more or want to try out a free class, check out or contact me on facebook. I'll hook it up!



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